Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Isn't it ironic that on the same day Nick's sister tells me the white gold on her wedding ring is coming off and Emma's preschool teacher tells me that she accidentally sent her wedding ring to the DI that I lose my wedding ring? I took it off and placed it in my pocket while wiping down the counter after dinner. Then, I cleaned up some toys, put Brielle down for bed, read Emma a book, and started to get ready for bed. I pulled everything out of my pocket and couldn't find my ring! It's 9:00pm by now so I can't go tearing through the house looking for it. So, I go to bed hoping that it will turn up in Emma's bed. I dream about it all night!! When I get up, I rip apart Emma's bed, I scour Brielle's floor, I stick my hand down the disposal, and dig through our entire kitchen garbage piece by piece.......nothing. I am sad for the sentimental reasons, but I am also mad that I lost something so expensive! (The girls tell me to just go by another one!!) So, I check my dresser one more time before I pick through the garbage again and THERE IT IS! Hooked around the stick of a sucker that I found cleaning up the house. I had emptied my pockets and set them down together when it must have gotten covered by other papers as I rearranged things on my dresser looking for my ring. Isn't it ironic?!!


The Tracys said...

You are so lucky! That would've been awful! I'm so glad you found it. Our family seems to have pretty bad luck with wedding rings!

Steoger's said...

That is the worst feeling in the world! I'm so glad you found it.