Thursday, January 8, 2009

My New Class

I know it is the new year and time to make some resolutions. I have some floating around in my mind and combined they would sound like this: Try to be better in everything. But since that is a goal that is a little hard to measure I guess I will have to be a more specific. I think last year on my 2008 "To Do List" was "Write New Years' Resolutions"! HA! I don't think I ever did that. But I still have my "30 List" which is pretty specific and actually written down. So, I am going to refer to that for now. And tonight I am going to my first adult religion class! It is actually being taught by one of my awesome high school seminary teachers! I love to learn, but don't love writing papers, taking tests, etc, so I thought an institute class would be perfect. But, institute classes are mainly for 18-30 single adults, so I found out that some stakes offer adult religion classes at night. So, once a week until the end of March I will be attending a Docterine & Covenants class in Syracuse! I am so excited because it will give me chance to learn what they are teaching in Sunday School this year! I am also excited that one of my good friends could take it with me! We should have a lot of fun! One more thing to check off the list! Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you have a good time!