Thursday, December 18, 2008

Cute Comments

I want to remember a few things the girls have said so...

We were on the Polar Express and they passed out cookies from Mrs. Claus. My mom commented that they cookies had "magic" in them. Emma: "Will I still be me?"

We were playing babies and Emma had just named her baby Flower. We asked Brielle what her baby's name was. She paused for a moment and then said "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"! (Can you guess one of the songs in our CD player?)

Emma and I were getting ready to read bedtime stories one night and she said out of nowhere: "Mom, I am so glad that Jesus sent me to you!" Awwwww.....

I was making cookies while Brielle was playing play dough in her booster seat. I sat down next to her for a few minutes while they chilled. When I stood up again, Brielle said, "Mom, sit down." I asked, "Why do I have to sit down?" Brielle replied, "Because you are watching me!"

Brielle's word of the day: "Awesome!" (Taught by Emma!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute! Kids say the funniest things!