Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Trampling through the Tulips

Our April tradition of visiting Temple Square to see the tulips with Nick's family is one of my favorites. This year we headed down on a Saturday instead of a Sunday which meant a visit to the Lion House for their amazing rolls and even more amazing chocolate cake! Brielle enjoyed her day in the stroller while snacking on Teddy Grahams. Emma filled her pockets with pennies from our change jar so she could throw them into the fountains (that is why most of the pictures feature the back of her head). That kept her pretty busy until we reached an area next to the Tabernacle that had no fountains. So, she started a game of tag through the grass and (oh, yes) the tulip beds!! Just at that moment I see a gentleman in a suit walking toward us and I knew our tulip tradition was over. I tried not to get too angry since we were on Temple Square, but I could just picture this man taking me to Temple Square security to question my ability of keeping my 4 yr old from trampling all of the tulips. By the time Emma was finally out of the flower bed, the man was right behind me. He laughed and said "Now, you weren't telling your daughter that I was a mean guy coming to get her, were you?" I laughed but didn't try to deny it! Of course I told Emma this man was coming to get her out of the tulip beds! If it was just me trying to get her out she would have played for another 10 minutes! Luckily after that we got her distracted by taking her into the visitor centers which created some great conversations with her about the pioneers, prophets, and temples. All in all--the tradition lives on!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The flowers look so pretty! It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!