Thursday, August 28, 2008

I am a WINNER!

An eBay winner, that is. I have not looked at eBay for years, but the other night I decided to look for some Berenstein Bears books for Emma. (By far her favorite books--most of the ones we have were from my childhood). So I found a couple sellers, but didn't really pursue it. Today, right after going to the library, Emma wants to read B.B. before her nap (??? we just got new books???). So, I go to eBay and look more seriously at them. One seller was selling 20+ books, but we had most of them. The other seller had 9 books and we only had 1 out of the 9 plus it ended in 1 1/2 hours! Perfect! So, I begin the process of trying to remember my password, my user ID, eBay has to call my phone to verify everything.....blah, blah. With about an hour left, I place my bid. I decide that since a brand new B.B. book is about 4.00, that 2.00 is about the max I would pay for each used book. So, I place a bid that -- with shipping--totals 18.00. I am the highest bidder! (the bid was at 6. 72). I wait. I write my missionary brother. I check. Still highest bidder. I work on Primary stuff. Still highest! It gets down to the last 11 minutes and I am getting so excited. When I placed my bid, it put the total to 7. 50, so I am getting even more excited that I will get them for cheaper than I thought! I WIN! I WIN! 7.50 + 3.28 = 10.78 divided by 9= 1.18 per book! I start my victory dance! The thrill of it is that I know Emma will love them plus I got them cheaper than I had planned! I love eBay! It feels like Christmas, when you find the perfect present. Now, can I wait until Christmas to give them to her?


Mel said...

ebay is the best! especially when you win the good deal. I would definitely wait. of course, I have a box full of books waiting for christmas. who knew I would be so diligent (mainly I have forgotten about them).

Susan said...

Yay! Congratulations! I have personally never used e-bay, but Bub is a pro. He always gets us good deals there. I am very impressed that you do it all by yourself. You are my hero.

Wendee said...

I am an ebay-aholic! LOVE IT! Good job on the books!

I try to wait until Xmas.....rarely happens! lol :)