Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Just Keep Swimming

Right after our get-a-way, the girls started swimming lessons for two weeks straight. It was amazing to see the progress that they made during this period. For instance, before swimming lessons, Emma would scream/cry/freak out if she got water in her eyes during bath time! But on the first day of swimming, Emma's class had to bob up and down under the water! I don't know if she felt some peer pressure because everyone else was doing it, but we were amazed! By mid-week, Emma's class had jumped off the deep end which stressed me out because I was sure that Emma was under the water too long. Emma also was incredible with the back-float and eventually held her breath under water as long as the other kids. Brielle's class was at the same time and it was so cute to see these tiny kids learning how to swim. There were a few boys in Brielle's class that were fearless and were constantly jumping off the edge even though their teacher told them not to.  It drove me crazy because I didn't want them to knock Brielle off the edge, too. Am I over-protective or what? Anyway, Brielle learned how to blow bubbles in the water, how to jump off the edge (holding her teacher's hand), back-float and front-float. By the end of the two weeks, my girls thought they were pretty hot stuff! Luckily, Nick's aunt Margo has a pool so we got to go swimming there and practice their skills a few more times before the summer ended!

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