Friday, June 5, 2009

Emma's Month

When did my daughter turn 15?

Her "special" night--she got 2 bouquets and a princess balloon!
showing off her costume

striking a pose on stage before the performance

Emma and I after the recital
She looked beautiful in yellow!

Ready to twirl for her Princess ballet dance

Emma waiting to tap dance to "Party at Mickey's house"

Emma with Miss Cindy!

Questions: Emma would buy a lot of horses if she had a million dollars--she wants to be a horse rider when she grows up--she would go to the zoo if she could go anywhere in the world!!

It's official! Emma has graduated preschool!
singing "Do Your Ears Hang Low"

Isabelle, Emma, Jill at Preschool graduation

Emma and Brielle's at Jerry's Nursery (last field trip)

The month of May brought more commitments for Emma as she finished up preschool and dance. Her two years in preschool has been a lot of fun and she has learned so much! Dance was a new experience for us this year, but she loved it. The night of her dance recital she kept saying, "I'm so lucky I got flowers! It is my special night!" She also got complimented at McDonald's by some older girls on how beautiful she looked! I am so proud of how hard she worked this year in preschool and dance! She has grown up a lot and I love seeing her accomplish new things!


Jylaire said...

She looks so grown up! London has her first recital in a couple of weeks, and she's terrified!

Brenda said...

What a doll...she's quite a lady! Tell her that Tess say's "hello"!