Sunday, December 16, 2007


My gorgeous younger daughter. She is 11 months old today and making me wonder where the last year has gone. The first couple months I am sure I was sleep-deprived (because you don't get to "sleep when the baby's sleeping" like you do with the first child). Then, came the period where she was content to stay in a swing or bouncy seat while I got things done. Now that she crawls, climbs stairs, and finds petrified mac n' cheese off the floor I feel like we go from one activity to another in 2.7 seconds. Brielle seems busier than Emma was and I don't know if it is because she watches Emma and wants to mimic her energy or if it is just harder to control this energy when you have a preschooler. She is still a "mama's girl" which I hope doesn't change when she realizes her daddy is better at playing around. She still will cuddle when she's tired and every now and then I let her nap in my arms so I can relish being a mom and remember the miracle of human life. We are extremely happy this week because we took her in for a weight check and she has reached 15 lbs!! Although she will eat pretty much anything we give her (except bread....she's a little too good for boring bread) she hasn't been gaining weight. I try to ease my mind by saying that everything else developmentally is on track, but sometimes I can't help compare her to the chubby babies. So my most recent photo of her has to be food related to show that she really eats. And you cannot deny how cute it is when they eat!!

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