Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Funny Mom

It was Monday morning. We were ready to begin our week. The girls and I were on our way to South Weber to drop them off at their babysitters. Emma was eating her breakfast--cinnamon rolls--in the car on the way. (Yes, cinnamon rolls. I know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not start off with something good? I am sure they have some nutritional value). Anyway, she usually has four rolls. Today, she was full after three so she handed the plate to me. "Great" I said "Now I can have one for lunch!" This struck Emma as hilarious... maybe because only kids get cinnamon rolls for meal time? "You are so funny, Mommy." My heart swells with pride. Yes, I can be funny. Although when I am trying to be funny, I usually get a courtesy smile. But on this morning, without trying, I had made my daughter laugh. I wanted to preserve this moment...maybe even tape record it. Because I know that in about 10 years when Emma is 13, I will definately NOT be funny. I will probably be embarassing, mean, or clueless... to name a few. But maybe if I have this story saved, Emma can look back on it and realize that sometimes her mom can be funny, and --if I am good--make her laugh.

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