Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Emma is my beautiful firstborn. What a surprise when she came out with red hair! She is a miniture version of her dad. She is now 3 1/2 years old and "just so busy" (her words exactly). She just started preschool this fall. She is there twice a week for 2 1/2 hours. I think both of us were looking forward to this change. Now she thinks she is cool. When she asks me what is in the morning and I answer preschool she replies "ohhhhh do I have to learn again?" She can write her name (in all capitals) and is learning her other letters and numbers. Preschool has also expanded her friendships and she has become more outgoing. She also loves nursery and is excited for "after Christmas" when she gets to go to Primary. I would like to think that as a parent I have taught her many things, but between preschool and nursery she is learning so much more. Some of the things she says are amazing to me and I can just watch her mind at work. Here are a few example of our recent conversations:
"Mom, I know where Jesus lives" -- "Where"-- "In Heaven"--"What does He do there"--"He takes care of people who die. Jesus was lonely before Grandpa Wilson and the guy from our ward got there" (Grandpa Wilson died about 10 years ago, mind you!)
"Mom, those people are at the gas station on Sunday!"-- "Emma, some people don't go to church on Sunday, but Heavenly Father loves it when we go to church."--"So, does He not love those people?"--"No, He loves them too, but they don't know they are supposed to go to church. They need the missionaries or us to tell them about church."-- "We can be missionaries?"--"Yes"-- "But I don't have a suit!"--"Well, girl missionaries wear dresses."-- "So, you, me and Brielle can wear dresses and be missionaries?"--"Yes"--"Mom, when can we go to Lagoon?" (what?)
Oh, I love her sooo much!!!

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