Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Piano Lessons

One of the great things about living with my mom this summer is that Emma has started taking piano lessons from her. She fought me at first and I'm not sure why, but she loves it now. It is cute to watch her little fingers try to do the finger exercises. I think the only way she misses practicing is if we've had a busy day. Anyway, last night she was so excited to learn some new notes that she brought Brielle in after her lesson and "taught" her middle C and had her play one song! It was adorable to watch Brielle learn and want to be like her big sister!


Steoger's said...

I love piano lessons! Carter's first recital is this saturday and I'm so excited. What a blessing for Emma to have that experience with your mom.

The Tracys said...

I've just been getting caught up on your blog. Cute pictures! Emma's such a little diva! It's fun to watch your house come along. Every time we drive by, Isabelle says, "I don'tkno how Brielle's gonna walk in that house." I don't know why she's worried about it! Cute picture of the girls at the piano!