Saturday, February 28, 2009


What a week! On Tuesday, Nick saw a gastroenterologist that scheduled three different things that might help us understand what is going on. First, he ordered a bunch of blood tests (12 vials to be exact!) that will check for some rare disorders. Second, he set up a HIDA scan for next Tuesday to check his gall bladder for gall stones. The doctor said that this could cause some of his symptoms, but it is unusual to have it raise his liver function tests (and Nick's were 4 times the amount they should be). Lastly, they set up liver biopsy for Thursday. The procedure to stick a needle in his liver only took about 15 minutes, but he had to stay in the recovery room for at least 4 hours to make sure the liver did not bleed. Nick was able to sleep for much of that 4 hours and even though we were between a snorer and a chatterbox, I was able to read through 2 magazines! From the biopsy and some of the blood tests, the doctor is thinking that he has an "autoimmune hepatitis" which means his body is attacking his liver. We will know for sure in two weeks when the final report from his biopsy comes back, but in the meantime, the doctor started Nick on steroids that should decrease the liver inflammation and probably make him feel better. So, now we are just crossing our fingers it works!


Jylaire said...

Hopefully the steroids work! We'll keep you guys in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that you guys are in our thoughts and prayers.

Susan said...

I hope you'll get the answers you're looking for. It's such a blessing just to know what you're dealing with! You're in our thoughts and prayers too. Let us know if there's anything we can do for you. Dinner, cookies, anything!

Steoger's said...

I'm sorry that you're dealing with this. Sam's aunt has a form of hepatitis, but announced recently that she is all better. She contracted something from a humanitarian trip. Good luck, Rachael. Hope Nick feels better soon.