Thursday, December 11, 2008

And it gets worse....

So, part of my distress this week was that I had to attend traffic school for my speeding ticket on Wednesday. Two hours and $25.00 down the tube. I got there 10 minutes early, handed my paperwork to the police officer and watched a gruesome movie showing bodies from traffic accidents until the class starts. (okay, I get it, I won't speed anymore, can I go?) The class turned out to be about 1 1/2 hrs and they gave some good information and statistics. (FYI- the police force does have quotas!) As they dismissed class, they called out names and handed everyone back their paperwork to prove they had been to the class. Well, everyone got their paperwork back except--ME! The officer had marked that he had stamped my paperwork, but it was nowhere to be found. He ran outside to see if anyone from the class has two papers. By then, only 10 people were left from the 45 that had attended class. He assures me that the court will dismiss my citation since he had my name checked off. But that is not what I am worried about. My citation had ALL of my personal information. My name, phone number, address, date of birth, drivers license number AND my social security number! I came home in tears. You try to protect yourself in so many ways. Here I am, just trying to get my driving record swiped clean, and in turn all of my identity is lost. The police officer assured me today on the phone that everyone that is offered traffic school has a good record and he is going to contact everyone in the class to see if they have my paperwork (the officer happens to be over the fraud cases as well), but the reality is even good people can resort to desperate measures especially in a bad economy. (Am I too cynical?) Would someone really turn it in if they had it? I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. Put an alert on my social security number and credit information? I am sick to my stomach. Anyone done this before?


Mel said...

for our enrichment night we were subjected to the traffic school video!! gratefully he skipped over a bunch of stuff but honestly, it was supposed to be 45 minutes and it took an hour and a half. I feel your pain. Sorry about all of your information being taken. this time of year seems like a bad time for that to be happening. good luck.

Susan said...

I have not had that happen....I wish I knew what to tell you. I was pretty scared one day when I handed the McDonald's drive thru girl my debit card and she eagerly hunched over her cell phone. I was afraid she was taking a picture of my card! But, I think she was really just texting. I sent a nasty e-mail to the manager and told them that if I found fraudulent use of my account that I'd be coming after them. Nothing ever happened. I can empathize with you a little bit.
Good luck.