Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Holidays
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
The Week Before Christmas....
and all through our house
every creature was stirring
and singing and baking
and bowling?
Emma's Preschool Christmas Program
We have been hearing 3 main Christmas songs around our house this month and were excited to see the final performance (with actions). The first song was a capella due to technical problems, but all of their songs were great! It was so funny to see 4 yr old's singing and doing actions at the same time! Emma squinting because the flash makes her eyes water!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cute Comments
I want to remember a few things the girls have said so...
We were on the Polar Express and they passed out cookies from Mrs. Claus. My mom commented that they cookies had "magic" in them. Emma: "Will I still be me?"
We were playing babies and Emma had just named her baby Flower. We asked Brielle what her baby's name was. She paused for a moment and then said "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt"! (Can you guess one of the songs in our CD player?)
Emma and I were getting ready to read bedtime stories one night and she said out of nowhere: "Mom, I am so glad that Jesus sent me to you!" Awwwww.....
I was making cookies while Brielle was playing play dough in her booster seat. I sat down next to her for a few minutes while they chilled. When I stood up again, Brielle said, "Mom, sit down." I asked, "Why do I have to sit down?" Brielle replied, "Because you are watching me!"
Brielle's word of the day: "Awesome!" (Taught by Emma!)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Another Concert!
I needed a picture to document Nick's involvement!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
And it gets worse....
So, part of my distress this week was that I had to attend traffic school for my speeding ticket on Wednesday. Two hours and $25.00 down the tube. I got there 10 minutes early, handed my paperwork to the police officer and watched a gruesome movie showing bodies from traffic accidents until the class starts. (okay, I get it, I won't speed anymore, can I go?) The class turned out to be about 1 1/2 hrs and they gave some good information and statistics. (FYI- the police force does have quotas!) As they dismissed class, they called out names and handed everyone back their paperwork to prove they had been to the class. Well, everyone got their paperwork back except--ME! The officer had marked that he had stamped my paperwork, but it was nowhere to be found. He ran outside to see if anyone from the class has two papers. By then, only 10 people were left from the 45 that had attended class. He assures me that the court will dismiss my citation since he had my name checked off. But that is not what I am worried about. My citation had ALL of my personal information. My name, phone number, address, date of birth, drivers license number AND my social security number! I came home in tears. You try to protect yourself in so many ways. Here I am, just trying to get my driving record swiped clean, and in turn all of my identity is lost. The police officer assured me today on the phone that everyone that is offered traffic school has a good record and he is going to contact everyone in the class to see if they have my paperwork (the officer happens to be over the fraud cases as well), but the reality is even good people can resort to desperate measures especially in a bad economy. (Am I too cynical?) Would someone really turn it in if they had it? I don't know what to do. I don't know where to start. Put an alert on my social security number and credit information? I am sick to my stomach. Anyone done this before?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
December Lights, Trees & Birthdays
A glance at the first week of December!
Temple Square
Nick's family usually goes down to Salt Lake the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but this year a Jazz game kept us from finding parking, so we went Friday instead. It was the best year so far because the weather was so warm! I wish this could be our Christmas card, but Brielle isn't looking!
One of those days....
I know this month is supposed to be joyful and triumphant, but sometimes, December just wears me out. Between family parties, ward activities, and work dinners you can get pretty busy; but that doesn't include school functions (unless you count preschool) and (for us) the 4 family birthdays from December 1- January 4. So, yesterday I was feeling a bit frazzled. I felt like I was busy all day (and probably ignoring my kids), yet I accomplished nothing. Wait--I take that back! I did manage to lose one of our memory cards for our digital camera, complain to my sister-in-law about family parties, eat everything chocolate in sight, and ruin our kitchen disposal by dumping a mysterious object down it from our diaper bag. I think I took care of everything on my list! Right after Nick got home, I pretty much brought every one's attitude right down to my low level. Why? All of this is easily fixable (well, maybe not the chocolate on my thighs), but nothing to get upset over. I think it just came during a month that I want to be the perfect mom who provides her children with wonderful Christmas memories yet I am preoccupied with everything else going on. I need to let go of perfection. I don't need to have a cute and crafty neighbor gift, or a huge package for my missionary brother, or race out to get the best deal on something. No one will remember these things. I just need to bring the Christmas Spirit into my home. That is what my kids will remember. Joyful and triumphant! (And......relaxed?) Easier said than done!!!