Friday, May 30, 2008

Emma's Preschool Program

What do you get when you are in a room with 25 preschool kids singing and dancing? Camera's clicking, prideful parents, and lots of laughter. Emma had her preschool program last week and it was so enjoyable. Her 3 year old class performed two songs: and a rockin' version of Eitsy, Bitsy Spider (with spider hats to top it off). Emma was singing, playing the air piano, and shaking her hips! It was great. Too bad our camcorder weighs 10 lbs, we might have gotten it all on tape! After the 4 year old class performed some songs and they combined the two groups for a friendship song. They were supposed to put their arms around one another, but you could tell that some of the kids were not going to do that! Miss Cindy then presented their preschool portfolio's to them that included pictures from all of the field trips and some art projects they had done throughout the year. The first page asked the question, "What is your favorite thing about preschool?" Emma's reply, "Playing with Chase!"
I don't know what we will do without preschool this summer. I know Emma loved it and I will admit it was nice to have her in a fun environment while I got some things done. Sometimes that 2 1/2 hours passed too quickly. I am so proud of everything that she brought home. It will be hard to throw some things away, but we will have to make room for next year's projects. We have made a list of fun summer things to do and I am sure the summer will go by really fast. At least I have one more year of preschool before the big change--Kindergarten!

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