Christmas was a mixed bag for me this year. Not only was I doing some last-minute shopping a couple days before Christmas (which I hate), I also hadn't wrapped a single present until 11:00pm on Christmas Eve. I hate being unprepared! To top things off, Nick wasn't feeling well on Christmas Eve or Christmas due a shot he needed to boost his white count. So, I thought the week after Christmas was better because we had time to relax, sleep in, go to movies, and play with our new toys. However, the girls had a great Christmas day. The big excitement came from receiving their very own horses to ride on from Grandma Judy! They could have "rode" them all day! Two of my favorite moments on Christmas were comments from the girls about their presents.
Brielle: This year we started talking to her about giving her binky to Santa so he could give it to a newborn baby and in trade he could bring her a Whoopsie Doo doll (which is what she had been asking for). Brielle was just using her binky in the car and to sleep, but I knew it was going to be a challenge so I thought this might work. We talked about it a lot in December. So, on Christmas Day it was gone and Whoopsie Doo had arrived in its place. The day went by with a little bit of whining but the funniest thing happened when we finally got home. Brielle asked me if Santa was going to come back. I assured her that he would be back next year. Her next question..."Will he take my blanket?" Awww... Now she thinks Santa takes things from children!! I felt really bad after that comment, but hopefully she won't remember it later.
Emma: The one thing she kept asking for from Santa was "the white horse with a pink saddle from Target." So, after Santa brought that to her she spent the day gushing about how she got what she had asked for, how beautiful it was, etc. Then, during one of these moments she exclaimed, "I'm so glad Santa brought me the horse that I wanted, since you and Dad couldn't afford it!" hee hee. I'm so glad Santa could "afford" it! :) You gotta love the magic of Santa!